美景傳真2004 (2碟裝)

路徑導航:首頁 - 25G藍光電影 - 紀錄片
美景傳真2004 (2碟裝) (HD GETAWAYS)

  • 中文名稱:美景傳真2004 (2碟裝)
  • 英文名稱:HD GETAWAYS
  • 產品編號:BD-3182
  • 商品版本:英/俄(語)
  • 碟片規格:DB25 X 2
  • 商品類型:紀錄片
  • 商品機種:25G藍光電影
會員價格:170 元 获得積分:170




探索世界上最適合我們放松身心的地方:從僻靜的海灘到野生的非洲野生動物園。 “暢遊世界” - 可以作為你下一個旅遊的參考,完整的出行方案細節和詳細的描述,你一定不要錯過,有時間的話更要親自去體驗一下!
Discover the best places to relax on our planet: from secluded beaches to the wild African safari. "Tourist Gems" - that is all you need to plan your next vacation, full program details and detailed descriptions of what you should definitely see and do on vacation.
Disc 1:
大溪地波拉波拉島 Bora Bora
Bora Bora, located in the South Pacific - a fantastic world of pristine turquoise lagoons and coral reefs and white sandy beaches with the sharks.
山地大猩猩 Safari to mountain gorillas
Deep in the heart of Africa is located refuge of the smartest and most impressive of primates in the world - gorillas.
博茨瓦納 Safari in Botswana
Botswana - the land of adventure, spotted by turbulent rivers and desolate deserts, most famous for its incredibly diverse nature.
最佳天然海灘 Natural beaches
Visit the three most beautiful beaches on the planet: a long chain of islands located thousands of miles away from Africa, north-west coast of America, alone of all the wooded shores, and the most remote natural beach in the world who visit for the year less than a thousand people.
遠離塵囂Escape from the metropolis
If you want to escape from the bustling city, go to the beach in the state of Yucatan in Mexico, where you can scuba dive to the second-largest reef in the world, to fly an airplane over the ancient Mayan ruins or take a trip to the impassable jungle. Or to the Indian Ocean in a luxury hotel with the best spa and a unique endless pool. Disc 2: 馬賽馬拉國家公園 Safari in the Masai Mara Reserve
Enjoy the journey through the picturesque savannahs of Kenya and reserve Masai Mara, where you'll see various, sometimes dangerous, animals and plants. The adventure will end the flight in a balloon.
馬納潭野遊 Safari in Mana Pools Reserve
In the floodplain of the Zambezi River you can admire the amazing animals in the vicinity because it is only on safari in Zimbabwe are allowed to travel by foot and face-to-face meeting with a huge elephant, buffalo and unpredictable angry hippos.
波劄那野遊 Safari in Botswana
Botswana - the land of adventure, spotted by turbulent rivers and desolate deserts, most famous for its incredibly diverse nature.
天然海灘 The most romantic place on the planet
After watching this program, you can visit three of the most romantic places in the world: Paris, Venice and Niagara Falls.
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