導演: Nick Cassavetes
編劇: 尼克·卡薩維蒂 / Boston Teran 主演: 伊桑·蘇普利 / 傑米·福克斯 / 尼古拉·科斯特-瓦爾道 / 詹紐瑞·瓊斯 / 喬納森·塔克 / 麥卡·夢露 / 布蘭登·薩克斯頓 / 卡爾·格洛斯曼 When vice detective Bob Hightower finds his ex-wife murdered and daughter kidnapped by a satanic cult - Bob is frustrated by bumbling botched official investigations. Bob quits the police force, gets tattoos, and infiltrates the cult to hunt down the charismatic cult leader, Cyrus, with the help of the cult's only female victim escapee, the brilliantly damaged, Case Hardin. Bob is lead down the rabbit hole to save his daughter and Case seizes the opportunity to claim back her power from the cult that took so much away from her. Tvgames88, 補帖,泡麵,光碟,資訊,軟體,遊戲,破解,序號,0DAY,NDS,PSP,Wii,XBOX,360,XYZ,xcdex,HoneRiSO,模擬器,合集,xyz軟體大本營,XYZ資訊工坊,XYZ,資訊工坊,真三國無雙,三國,王建民,資訊,工坊,XYZ軟體之家,軟體之家,軟體,之家,XYZ 軟體補給站,補給站,XYZ軟體下載倉庫,軟體下載倉庫,下載倉庫,下載,倉庫,XYZ軟體王,軟體王,馬雅小站,馬雅小站,黃金天碟,Xfile軟體資訊網,Xfile,軟體資訊網,MTV,演唱會,XYZ軟體加油站,xyz軟體大本營,XYZ資訊工坊,真三國無雙,xyz軟體補給站,三國,王建民, XYZ,資訊工坊,資訊,工坊,XYZ軟體之家,軟體之家,軟體,之家,XYZ軟體補給站,補給站,XYZ軟體下載倉庫,軟體下載倉庫,下載倉庫,下載, 倉庫,XYZ軟體王,軟體王,馬雅小站,黃金天碟,馬雅小站,黃金天碟,Xfile軟體資訊網,Xfile,軟體資訊網,XYZ軟體加油站,軟體加油站, 軟體急先鋒,軟體,加油站,急先鋒,XYZ軟體銀行,軟體銀行,阿伯小品,XCDEX,XYZ軟體之家,XYZ軟體王,XBOX360,Office 2007,WINDOWS,VISTA,遊戲,電影,變形金剛,航海王,photoshop,哈利波特,火影忍者,ps2,遊戲狂,電影,合輯,教學,海賊王,光碟,kaspersky,wii,nds,翻譯,阿伯小品,無碼,軟體,破解,補帖,泡麵,破解"