BBC真相系列合集 (2碟裝)

路徑導航:首頁 - 25G藍光電影 - 紀錄片
BBC真相系列合集 (2碟裝) (BBC Horizon)

  • 中文名稱:BBC真相系列合集 (2碟裝)
  • 英文名稱:BBC Horizon
  • 產品編號:BD-21870
  • 商品版本:英(語)
  • 碟片規格:BD25 x 2
  • 商品類型:紀錄片
  • 商品機種:25G藍光電影
會員價格:170 元 获得積分:170


中繁 韓文 印尼文 馬來文


導演: Nicola Stockley
主演: 安德魯·斯科特 / Linda Bartoshuk / Molly Birnbaum
  Taste is our most indulgent sense but it is only in recent years that we have started to understand why we really love the foods we do - and it is a lot more surprising than you might think.
  There may a way to make food taste sweeter without adding any extra sugar and it is all down to a trick that happens in your brain. Horizon meets the scientist who has grown the perfect tomato, that is sweeter and juicier than anything you are likely to find on a shelf, as well as the men and women hoping to becomme elite, professional tasters.
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