導演: 本多豬四郎
編劇: 関沢新一 主演: 寶田明 / 星由裡子 / 小泉博 A hurricane blows Mothra's egg off Infant Island and causes it to drift to Japan. Banzo Torhata sees an opportunity to make money off the egg but Mothra's twin priestesses show up and plead with him to return the egg or else the larva will hatch and cause great damage in search of food. Torahata refuses and tries to kidnap the fairies. They then go to reporters Ichiro Sakai and Junko Nakanishi to try to persuade Torahata to return the egg. Torahata still refuses and the girls leave with the adult Mothra. In the meantime Godzilla reawakens and begins another rampage. Japan's only hope is for Mothra to return and not only save her unhatched offspring, but Japan as well. Disc Size: 23,871,990,770 bytes Length: 1:34:39.131 Video: MPEG-4 AVC Video / 0 kbps / 1080p / 23.976 fps / 16:9 / High Profile 4.0 Audio: Japanese / LPCM Audio / 1.0 / 48 kHz / 1152 kbps / 24-bit Audio: English / Dolby Digital Audio / 1.0 / 48 kHz / 192 kbps / DN -31dB Subtitle: English / 0.000 kbps Tvgames88, 補帖,泡麵,光碟,資訊,軟體,遊戲,破解,序號,0DAY,NDS,PSP,Wii,XBOX,360,XYZ,xcdex,HoneRiSO,模擬器,合集,xyz軟體大本營,XYZ資訊工坊,XYZ,資訊工坊,真三國無雙,三國,王建民,資訊,工坊,XYZ軟體之家,軟體之家,軟體,之家,XYZ 軟體補給站,補給站,XYZ軟體下載倉庫,軟體下載倉庫,下載倉庫,下載,倉庫,XYZ軟體王,軟體王,馬雅小站,馬雅小站,黃金天碟,Xfile軟體資訊網,Xfile,軟體資訊網,MTV,演唱會,XYZ軟體加油站,xyz軟體大本營,XYZ資訊工坊,真三國無雙,xyz軟體補給站,三國,王建民, XYZ,資訊工坊,資訊,工坊,XYZ軟體之家,軟體之家,軟體,之家,XYZ軟體補給站,補給站,XYZ軟體下載倉庫,軟體下載倉庫,下載倉庫,下載, 倉庫,XYZ軟體王,軟體王,馬雅小站,黃金天碟,馬雅小站,黃金天碟,Xfile軟體資訊網,Xfile,軟體資訊網,XYZ軟體加油站,軟體加油站, 軟體急先鋒,軟體,加油站,急先鋒,XYZ軟體銀行,軟體銀行,阿伯小品,XCDEX,XYZ軟體之家,XYZ軟體王,XBOX360,Office 2007,WINDOWS,VISTA,遊戲,電影,變形金剛,航海王,photoshop,哈利波特,火影忍者,ps2,遊戲狂,電影,合輯,教學,海賊王,光碟,kaspersky,wii,nds,翻譯,阿伯小品,無碼,軟體,破解,補帖,泡麵,破解"