商品介紹A debut album already sold over 400,000 copies, a tour that began in 2010 and now has close to 300 dates (with no less than 10 dates including 5 COMPLETE Paris Zenith) nearly 1 million viewers ! : Uncle Ben Soul is definitely one of the artists who most impressed the music scene in 2011. His live performances have attracted an outstanding wide audience, the opening of prestigious jazz festivals (Juan Les Pin, Montauban ...) the most recognized songs Festivals (Francofolies de la Rochelle ...). The general public and professionals are not only wrong, Uncle Ben Soul this year received the Victoire de la Musique artist's revelation scene in 2011! And, a rarity to be emphasized, the craze has continued abroad with historical dates as the opening of the prestigious Montreal Jazz Festival, a sold-out tour in the U.S., and a price awarded for the first time in Germany to a French artist (the Live Entertainment Award for the club tour of the year in Germany). This "LIVE PARIS" is more than a classic live is an incredible show which incorporates the success of the album ("Soulman" "," Seven Nation Army "...) while paying tribute to the greatest soul artists (with covers of Otis Redding, Curtis Mayfield ....) all conducted with a mad energy. It will include also the interests of Beat Assailant, 20syl, of Hoccus Pocus ... List:
Intro Cold Sweat
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