涅爾森 琉森2011夏季音樂節-貝多芬 第五鋼琴協奏曲

路徑導航:首頁 - 25G藍光電影 - 音樂演唱會
涅爾森 琉森2011夏季音樂節-貝多芬 第五鋼琴協奏曲 (Andriss Nelsons - Lucerne Festival )

  • 中文名稱:涅爾森 琉森2011夏季音樂節-貝多芬 第五鋼琴協奏曲
  • 英文名稱:Andriss Nelsons - Lucerne Festival
  • 產品編號:BD-4001
  • 商品版本:其他
  • 碟片規格:BD25 x 1
  • 商品類型:音樂演唱會
  • 商品機種:25G藍光電影
會員價格:85 元 获得積分:85




Andris Nelsons, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra and Yefim Bronfman at the Lucerne Festiva
貝多芬第五鋼琴協奏曲 / 裡姆斯基-科薩科夫:天方夜譚
尼爾森指揮 / 布朗夫曼鋼琴 / 皇家音樂廳管弦樂團
Beethoven Overture to The Ruins of Athens, Op. 113
Concerto for Piano and Orchestra No. 5
Scheherazade, Op. 35
Etude in F major op. 10/8
Slavonic Dance in A flat major
The Latvian maestro Andris Nelsons is already one of the most sought-after young conductors in the world and once again served notice of his extraordinary talent when he conducted two concerts with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam at the prestigious Lucerne Festival. In the present recording of the second of these concerts (which are both available onDVDand Blu-ray from C Major Entertainment), Beethovens majestic Fifth Piano Concerto proves a memorable encounter between Nelsons and master pianist Yefim Bronfman, who remains calm and composed despite the piano parts virtuoso passage-work and knuckle-breaking chords. A return to the magician of the podium: a conductor bursting with temperament and capable of conjuring up the most magnificent orchestral sonorities (Neue Luzerner Zeitung).
Andris Nelsons is one of the most sought-after young conductors on the international scene today and once again served notice of his extraordinary talent in Summer 2011 when he conducted two concerts with the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra of Amsterdam at the prestigious Lucerne Festival.
This concert, available on DVD and Blu-ray features, amongst a programme of Rimsky-Korsakov, Beethoven and Dvo?0?0k, the Grammy Award-winning pianist Yefim Bronfman performing Beethovens majestic Fifth Piano Concerto and Chopins Etude in F major.

Andris Nelsons is a regular conductor with many of the worlds top orchestras.

Audio: Undetermined / LPCM Audio / 2.0 / 48 kHz / 2304 kbps / 24-bit
Audio: Undetermined / DTS-HD Master Audio / 5.1 / 48 kHz / 24-bit (DTS Core: 5.1 / 48 kHz / 1509 kbps / 24-bit)

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